James Faulkner, MFT Trainee
Supervised by Josh Greene, LMFT #126296

How I Work

I see therapy as a process of opening to yourself with another. We allow for you to unfurl and come to be as you are. It is a space that allows for depth, insight, and relationship. Together, we shine a light on the roots of longstanding relational patterns, wounded places, and protective habits that cause suffering. We consider how past experiences, culture, and systems of power can influence our decisions and work towards discovering your authentic way of being. We attune to and listen to your emotional experience and use its wisdom to guide you into alignment with your authentic self. 

I work with all kinds of people, including: the lost, the afraid, the hopeless, the desirous, the hurt, the ambivalent, as well as those navigating relationship and communication challenges. I also work with those exploring their gender identity, sexuality, and/or relationship structures. I welcome dreamers and  those who desire to integrate their past psychedelic, spiritual, or alternate state of being experiences.

I work with individuals, children, couples, polycules, and the relationship variants across the spectrum.

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